Be Prepared For Common Injuries
No matter how careful a person is, completely preventing any kind of injury or accident is nearly impossible. For minor incidents, having a well-stocked first aid kit can provide instant relief and prevent small injuries from getting dirty or worse. Be prepared for any situation by ensuring that the following items are in the household or car first aid kit to stay ready for the what-ifs of life.

Stock bandages and antibiotic ointment
Some of the most common wounds are cuts and scrapes. Having an assortment of bandages in various sizes will keep caregivers prepared for a wide range of injuries. Additionally, focus on stocking bandage closures, gauze pads, and bandage wraps to help tackle bigger wounds. Additionally, keep rubbing alcohol pads and hydrogen peroxide on hand to clean more serious cuts. Likewise, stock up on antibiotic ointment to prevent infection and speed healing with minimal scarring.
Tweezers and pain cream
Having a splinter, or even a stinger, in any part of the body is far from fun. Having a pair of tweezers on hand can quickly and efficiently remove foreign objects that are embedded in the skin. However, be sure to use rubbing alcohol to sanitize the tweezer before and after each use. Additionally, stock up on hydrocortisone cream to calm bug bites or even exposure to skin irritants.
Gloves and hand sanitizer
Before treating any first aid emergency, always be sure to work with clean hands. To do so properly, invest in plenty of hand sanitizer and gloves to create as sterile an environment as possible before applying first aid. For best results, use hand sanitizer, allow the hands to dry, apply the gloves, and then begin treating the injury. Once the treatment has been applied, don’t forget to sanitize the hands again.
Compresses and thermometers
Sometimes, the best remedy for an injury, along with applying a bandage, is to ice the site. Icing an injury can help to reduce swelling and ensure that damage is minimized. Meanwhile, sometimes, if an accident happens far from home, an individual may need to be monitored. Part of the best way to keep an eye on a person is to regularly perform temperature checks to ensure that a fever hasn’t set in.
Don’t forget the first-aid guide
Unless the person treating an injury is a healthcare professional, don’t forget to slip a first aid guide into the kit. The guide offers quick answers for confirming common injuries and symptoms and can provide triage support to determine whether to seek professional attention or if the injury can be treated at home.
Be prepared for the unexpected
People can make a first aid kit from scratch but sometimes opting for a prepackaged kit may be easier and provide better peace of mind. Many retailers carry prestocked kits for home, the office, and even travel. Government regulators provide a full list of recommended items to include in a first aid kit.

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