Better Dietary Choices For Mental Health
The concept that physical health is directly influenced by the foods a person eats isn’t surprising. However, with the scientific community finally confirming that a mind-body link exists, a conversation about how diet impacts mood can take place. Most people are aware that poor mental health can adversely impact physical health, with the reverse being true as well. Understanding how food consumption choices directly affect mental wellness is important. Making the right dietary choices and supplementing when necessary, can help people achieve optimal mental health.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Feeling down? Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential building block for various bodily functions, including heart health. The nutrient is easily consumed through oily fish like tuna, salmon, and mackerel. However, omega-3s have also been linked with boosting cardiovascular health and improving mood in individuals with depression. To reap the benefits, experts recommend taking 2,000-4,000mg when experiencing emotional lows.
Vitamin D
Affectionately referred to as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D can do everything from bolstering immunity to serving as an anti-aging tool to boosting collagen production. However, many people struggle to get enough vitamin D through diet alone, even when many foods are fortified with the essential nutrient. Preliminary research suggests that both depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) may be linked to low vitamin D levels. If dietary intake is insufficient, consider adding a supplement to stay mentally well all year round.
St John’s wort
Anxiety or a sleep disorder can be debilitating conditions. However, research suggests that St John’s wort might help to control symptoms. The natural herb is an ancient form of natural medicine that was used for centuries and continues to be popular. Today St John’s wort is often used in various forms to regulate mood. The plant is especially beneficial for women experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or who are perimenopausal. Ideally, aim for supplements with 900-1,200mg. St John’s wort can be taken in either pill or liquid form.
Found naturally in the body, dopamine is known as a mood regulator that also influences memory, focus, cognition, learning, and motivation. Dopamine is also linked with sleep regulation and decision-making. Some dopamine is produced naturally, but for certain individuals, chemical imbalances may cause drops in mood that present as apathy. Dopamine supplements can help these people reverse low moods and be more functional in everyday life.
Vitamin B12
The B complex vitamins are usually linked with essential bodily functions such as protein synthesis and boosting hair, skin, and nail growth and health. However, individuals struggling with mood should consider taking extra vitamin B12. Research suggests that the nutrient can aid in controlling anxiety. Although consuming vitamin B12 through food choices, such as organ meats and eggs, is best, people can also supplement with a daily vitamin.
Don’t be at the mercy of moods
Diet plays a big role in how a person feels and can be the difference between experiencing anxiety or depression and living a stress-free life. If diet alone isn’t enough, multiple supplements exist that can potentially improve an individual’s mood and make navigating everyday life easier. Before heading down the vitamin aisle in the local pharmacy, consider speaking with a physician who can provide proper guidance on diet, supplements, and mood.

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